Axie GraphQL Docs
Fetches the user information of the currently logged user.
Endpoint (Updated)
Requires sender to be authenticated
You can modify the query string to include fields that you want to be included or not. Refer to the GraphQL Schema below for a full overview.
{ "operationName": "GetProfileBrief", "query": "query GetProfileBrief {\n profile {\n ...ProfileBrief\n __typename\n }\n}\n\nfragment ProfileBrief on AccountProfile {\n accountId\n addresses {\n ...Addresses\n __typename\n }\n email\n activated\n name\n settings {\n unsubscribeNotificationEmail\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment Addresses on NetAddresses {\n ethereum\n tomo\n loom\n ronin\n __typename\n}\n"}
Full GraphQL Query Schema
query GetProfileBrief { profile { ...ProfileBrief __typename }}
fragment ProfileBrief on AccountProfile { accountId addresses { ...Addresses __typename } email activated name settings { unsubscribeNotificationEmail __typename } __typename}
fragment Addresses on NetAddresses { ethereum tomo loom ronin __typename}