Axie GraphQL Docs
Fetches a list of existing items based on given criterias.
Endpoint (Updated)
You can modify the query string to include fields that you want to be included or not. Refer to the GraphQL Schema below for a full overview.
{ "operationName": "GetItemBriefList", "variables": { "from": 0, "size": 24, "sort": "PriceAsc", "owner": null, "auctionType": "Sale", "criteria": { "landType": ["Savannah"], "rarity": ["Common"], "itemAlias": ["s11b", "p5"] } }, "query": "query GetItemBriefList($from: Int, $size: Int, $sort: SortBy, $auctionType: AuctionType, $owner: String, $criteria: ItemSearchCriteria) {\n items(from: $from, size: $size, sort: $sort, auctionType: $auctionType, owner: $owner, criteria: $criteria) {\n total\n results {\n ...ItemBrief\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n\nfragment ItemBrief on LandItem {\n itemId\n tokenType\n tokenId\n itemId\n landType\n name\n itemAlias\n rarity\n figureURL\n auction {\n ...AxieAuction\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AxieAuction on Auction {\n startingPrice\n endingPrice\n startingTimestamp\n endingTimestamp\n duration\n timeLeft\n currentPrice\n currentPriceUSD\n suggestedPrice\n seller\n listingIndex\n state\n __typename\n}\n"}
Full GraphQL Query Schema
query GetItemBriefList( $from: Int $size: Int $sort: SortBy $auctionType: AuctionType $owner: String $criteria: ItemSearchCriteria) { items( from: $from size: $size sort: $sort auctionType: $auctionType owner: $owner criteria: $criteria ) { total results { ...ItemBrief __typename } __typename }}
fragment ItemBrief on LandItem { itemId tokenType tokenId itemId landType name itemAlias rarity figureURL auction { ...AxieAuction __typename } __typename}
fragment AxieAuction on Auction { startingPrice endingPrice startingTimestamp endingTimestamp duration timeLeft currentPrice currentPriceUSD suggestedPrice seller listingIndex state __typename}
Brief overview of the variable fields for this operation
Variable | Required | Data Type |
from | No | Integer |
size | No | Integer |
sort | No | String |
auctionType | No | String |
owner | No | String |
criteria | No | Map |
Refer to the succeeding sections for more details about the variables and their valid values
Offset index of the results.
Any integer value. Signed or unsigned.
Size of the result. The max size can vary based on the requesting source.
Any integer value. Signed or unsigned.
Sorting option of the results
PriceAsc, PriceDesc, IdAsc, IdDesc, Latest
Marketplace state of the Axie
All, Sale, NotForSale
Ronin address of the owner
Example: 0x2ebd51e17b56e9cea3317e8d13ab99ffb168427c
Brief overview of the fields you can include in the criteria variable
Types of the lands.
Genesis, Arctic, Savannah, Forest, Mystic
Rarity of the items.
Common, Epic, Mystic, Rare
Alias of the Items.
Edit this page on GitHubp5, s11b, m9, f4c, a4b, a18a, f6b, s20a, a8b, f10b, a9b, f8b, f8a, s14c, s14b, f8c, s8b, s14a, m10, s9c, s19b, s6b, m12, f11a, s17c, s18c, s17b, f3b, f7a, s20b, s9a, a4a, a2c, s7a, s7c, f4a, m8, s2b, s2a, s15a, s13b, m14, s13a, s9b, p1, a13b, f13c, f15b, s5c, f16c, s5a, s5b, s18b, s18a, s1c, s7b, f2c, f2b, f2a, a14c, f12c, a14b, a17b, a14a, s19c, p2, f1c, f16b, a16b, s4c, f7c, f17b, f18c, f15c, a7b, f5a, f6a, f12a, f13b, s8c, a9a, a20a, a20c, a20b, a10b, f9c, a10a, s16b, a12b, a10c, s3b, s12b, s16a, f5b, f13a, f20c, m15a, s16c, a16c, s2c, p4, f19c, a6a, a8c, a18c, a9c, a3c, f17a, s3a, p3c, a5b, p3b, a7a, f20b, f1b, f10a, a17a, a13a, a12a, a19a, f10c, f15a, a2a, a15b, a2b, s15b, f18a, f5c, a5c, a1b, a5a, f11c, f12b, s1b, s10a, s12a, s1a, s10c, a3b, s11c, a18b, f19a, s13c, a6b, a6c, m15b, a1c, a7c, a12c, s15c, f11b, f1a, s3c, m3, m2, m5, m1, f20a, m7, m6, m4, f14a, s8a, f6c, a15a, a3a, s20c, f16a, f14c, s6a, f9a, f17c, a11c, s10b, m11, f18b, s4b, f19b, s6c, a17c, a15c, s12c, f3c, a16a, s11a, m13, f7b, f3a, a19b, s4a, f4b, a11a, a11b, a1a, s19a, a19c, a13c, a4c, f14b, f9b, s17a, a8a, p3a