Axie GraphQL Docs

Getting started

Getting started

If you're a beginner with no prior experience to HTTP requests. You may use readily available API development tools to get yourself started with HTTP request with minimal technical knowledge required.

Suggested Tools: Hoppscotch, Postman

Send your request to this endpoint with a POST method.

Send A Simple Operation

Set the JSON Body depending to the operation that you would like to use.
For this example, lets query a simple GetAxieDetail operation

"operation": "GetAxieDetail",
"variables": {
"axieId": "940499"
"query": "query GetAxieDetail($axieId: ID!) {\n axie(axieId: $axieId) {\n ...AxieDetail\n __typename\n }\n}\n\nfragment AxieDetail on Axie {\n id\n image\n class\n chain\n name\n genes\n owner\n birthDate\n bodyShape\n class\n sireId\n sireClass\n matronId\n matronClass\n stage\n title\n breedCount\n level\n figure {\n atlas\n model\n image\n __typename\n }\n parts {\n ...AxiePart\n __typename\n }\n stats {\n ...AxieStats\n __typename\n }\n auction {\n ...AxieAuction\n __typename\n }\n ownerProfile {\n name\n __typename\n }\n battleInfo {\n ...AxieBattleInfo\n __typename\n }\n children {\n id\n name\n class\n image\n title\n stage\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AxieBattleInfo on AxieBattleInfo {\n banned\n banUntil\n level\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AxiePart on AxiePart {\n id\n name\n class\n type\n specialGenes\n stage\n abilities {\n ...AxieCardAbility\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AxieCardAbility on AxieCardAbility {\n id\n name\n attack\n defense\n energy\n description\n backgroundUrl\n effectIconUrl\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AxieStats on AxieStats {\n hp\n speed\n skill\n morale\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AxieAuction on Auction {\n startingPrice\n endingPrice\n startingTimestamp\n endingTimestamp\n duration\n timeLeft\n currentPrice\n currentPriceUSD\n suggestedPrice\n seller\n listingIndex\n state\n __typename\n}\n"
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